trackPithecanthropus Erectus Beneath the Underdog v0.1: Ireo olona fotsy hoditra, mena sofina av [...] Global Voices: The World is Talking, Are You Listening?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ireo olona fotsy hoditra, mena sofina av [...]

Click to listen "Now's the Time" by Charlie Parker (NYC, 1949)

zopqwe on January 15th, 2010
The word étranger …
The word étranger means both someone from another country and somebody strange. In spanish it is translated as “el extranjero” (the foreigner) which is always considered a mistake. Mistake probably due to the resemblance of the words étranger-extranjero. I have always thought (and still think) “El extraño” (the stranger) to be the correct title.


  1. Ireo olona fotsy hoditra, mena sofina av [...]
    Rehefa mety ho vahiny avy any ampitan-dr [...]

  2. cazzo!!! spiola!!!

  3. Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises
    Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hur not.

    (Shakespeare, The Tempest, Act 3, Scene 3)

  4. Voy a ejecutar el piolo, lo hare grande y gustoso

  5. THE AVERAGE HUMAN BODY HOLDS ENOUGH... phosphorous to make 2,200 match heads
    ... you don't need lighter...

  6. (Fito)vovo:
    "All blame is a waste of time. No matter
    how much fault you find with another,
    and regardless of how much you
    blame him, it will not change you"
    (Wayne's World)
